Today business is competitive. Writing compelling and well-articulated proposals will result in continuous revenue and retaining clients. Clients make a decision based on the strength of the proposal which is why the focus should be on solving the client’s problem and on how to effectively deliver a project, rather than just explaining the offer. Writing a persuasive proposal is a critical skill in many organizations as they depend on these proposals to win business and generate revenue. Applicants in the course will be able to: 

  • Confidently write persuasive and captivating proposals.
  • Effectively plan the proposal preparation process.
  • Develop a format for the proposal that will be easy for the audience to read.
  • Solve the client’s problem by providing a solution that works within the client’s budget and schedule.
  • Review and know the difference between a successful and unsuccessful proposal.
  • Write winning proposals that generate more revenue for the business.
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